Morrow County Family & Children First Council Welcomes You
Hope Is Where the Heart Is
At Morrow County Family & Children First Council we are committed to promoting initiatives to serve the people who need them most. Our council strives to bring county agencies together to deliver services that improve the well-being of the children and families of our communities.
Morrow County Family & Children First Council at a Glance

Family and Children First Councils Connect the Dots for Families
Your county's Family and Children First Council (FCFC) connects the dots to eliminate redundancy and bring resources together for planning, monitoring, and improving outcomes for families and children.
The Mission of County FCFCs is to increase the access, capacity, and effectiveness of services for the most vulnerable of our county's youth and their families whose needs extend beyond one youth-serving program.
Any family with a child or youth (age birth through 21 years) in need of a coordinated inter-disciplinary plan to address their unique needs is eligible for service coordination through FCFC.
Referrals typically come through provider agencies, but any family has the right to self-refer for service coordination.

Vision: A seamless system of care exists for all of Ohio’s families and children.
The purpose of the cabinet council is to help families seeking government services by streamlining and
coordinating services, resources, and systems.
Family Journey with Morrow County Family & Children First Council
Phase 1: (Hello)
Your service coordinator will have a conversation to learn more about your family, what makes you tick, and how you may need some extra support. If we can help you, and you choose to work with us, you’ll sign some paperwork and discuss a plan to move forward. If working with FCFC is not a good fit, your service coordinator will point you toward people and resources that can help you. You’ll never have the door shut in your face and told you can’t be helped. We will do everything in our power to get you the help you desire.
Phase 2: (Help)
We will talk about surviving whatever storm you’re currently going through. Is each member of your family safe (physically, emotionally, and psychologically), and are the adults able to keep the home a calm, safe place? We can work on some strategies together and give you some tangible tools you can use right away.
We work in-home, in-community, in-school, and anywhere you need us. Does your family have the routines, systems, and supports in place in each environment that allow needs to be met?
We work with all the people helpers in your life. We can get other helpers involved and create a simplified plan with you that makes sense. Your plan should look like your family, feel like your family, and consist of achievable goals and supports that matter to your family.
Phase 3: (Healing)
Can you recognize, understand, and prevent problems before they happen? Are you seeing progress toward the goals we created together?
Phase 4: (Hope)
Do you feel confident to move toward your future without our help? Do you feel supported and know whom you can call if you need something? How have things changed since we first met? Are you feeling more hopeful? If so, you’re ready to transition out of our program. Our meetings get farther and farther apart, your goals get closer and closer to being met, and when you feel ready, we throw a party to celebrate your success!